Project For Engineers

Logic gate

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Logic gates are the building blocks of digital technology. It is a mechanical, optical, or electronic system that performs a logical operation on an input signal. Truth tables are used to help show the function of a logic gate.

Simple Logic Processor Circuit or you can say a simple computer.

                      Picture of our Logic Gate Project
Logic gates are primarily implemented using diodes or transistors acting as electronic switches. We have made three basic logic gate using Diode and NPN Transistor. OR Gate, AND Gate and 3rd is NOT Gate. LED’s as indicator used to show output level high(1) or low(0). 3V power supply is enough for the circuit.

Component List :
LED Red or Green – 3Pcs
Mini SPST or slide Switch – 5 Pcs
Diode 4007 – 2Pcs
Transistor BC548 – 3Pcs
Resistance 100 Ohms, 220 Ohms, 1K – 1 Pc each
Resistance 10 K – 3 Pcs

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